From Hidden Springs Flower Farm website 2018 offering: A compact growing pink semi-double hybrid blooming a week before Red Charm when very few other semi-double hybrids are blooming. The soft cameo pink blooms are held on strong 24” stems and the disease resistant foliage lasts well into the growing season. The flowers are very cold tolerant and will open while other peonies may show bud damage or fail to bloom at the same low temperatures. The form of the flower during very cold bloom years is more cupped and appealing to many visitors. During warmer bloom seasons the flowers will be more open. The bright rose colored stigmas add interest to the bloom. This was a seedling received from our friend Tim Kornder’s fields, grown and evaluated for several years at Hidden Springs Flower Farm and one of the most requested and commented on seedlings out of the several hundred varieties that we grow. This is the very first release of this variety and we hope people will enjoy growing it in their gardens for many years to come.



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