• Paeonia brownii. The few seeds I received over the years usually germinated, but the seedlings always died pretty soon. Giessler peonies in Germany seems to have more knowledge and sells these wonderful roots. I cannot see whether they are grafted upon roots of P. delavayi as he is able to do, but I do hope to be able to grow it a least a few years.

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  • How could we have missed this? Two long articles on peonies in the ‘International Rock Gardener’ magazine. It’s a publication from the Scottish Rock Garden Club.
    “This month IRG presents two articles on peonies – the first on Czech bred
    herbaceous peonies from Pavel Sekerka and the second on tree peonies by Joe
    Harvey in Canada. “…Read More

    IRG 139 - July 2021.pdf
    3.99 MB
  • Nice article here on the history of a new peony farm in California with their eyes on the future:

    https://www.rb9publishing.com/index.php/the-ag-mag/ #pdf-summer-2022-2/24/

  • It’s still too early this year to write a full article on my experiences with long term storage of peonies in Ultra Low Oxygen circumstances. There are a few articles on the site that describe results from previous years. They all have in common that I started the year optimistic, but never succeeded. It appears to be the same again this year. I…Read More

  • we have plant peony over 30years .,

  • Profile picture of Tony

    Tony wrote a new post

    Growing peonies in pots

    Find out our tried-and-true tips for growing peonies in pots or containers. Tips to Grow Peonies in Pots or Containers; 6 Extraordinary Specimens That You Simply Want To Have Have you noticed that cottage gardens have seen a big expansion this...

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    • I’ve grown quite a number of peonies in pots, and grown them to the point where I’ll get herbaceous types with 3-4 blooming stems, growing in a #3 pot.

      But these are peonies that I’ve grown from seeds, and potted them along to larger pots every year. As young seedlings, they seem to adjust their root systems to whatever container they are growing in just fine though. (I’ll keep certain special seedlings in pots, so I can bring them indoors during evenings of late spring frosts.)

      However, I’m not sure how happy these plants would be if I left them in the pots for some years after their first blooms ? As was mentioned, it can be hard to tend them as well as we should either.

      Nor do I think herbaceous types would do as well if they had been grown from large divisions to begin with ?

      Having said that, I’ve certainly seen some very large intersectionals growing in pots at garden centers, and have always wondered if intersectionals may be more tolerant of this sort of treatment than herbaceous types might be ?

  • A form was added to this group so that anyone can submit the species plants they are growing themselves. If most of us are willing to share seeds, then it will be possible to make those rare species more widely available. You don’t need to be a member of this group nor even of the site to…Read More

  • This year I transplanted seven second year sprouts that were naturally seeded. Excited to see what next year brings. I have no idea what cultivars sprouted. Guess I will have to wait and see. Working on filling my front beds with peonies. Festiva Maxima is my favorite. This year when I cam collecting the seed, I will LABEL the seeds. (Duh) lol

    • Something to look forward to :-) I remember the excitement when my first seedlings flowered for the first time. When you see a first bud on those young plants, you always hope for something exceptional. I’ll admit it rarely is that exceptional in fact, but given enough TLC they nearly always grow into plants that will give your garden something…Read More

      • I have a ton of seeds I saved from previous years and never thought to label what seeds came from what varieties. (duh) So I am thinking of planting them this fall in a spot in the garden reserved just for them and see what I get! I would like to learn how to hybrid…I breed Smooth Fox Terriers so I have a bit more than a layman’s understanding…Read More

      • Hybridizing peonies is not particularly difficult and the laws of genetics are the same I think. The advantage you have here is that you can back-cross to parents or grandparents and so on. I don’t think that is commonly done with dogs ( though I have not a single bit of experience with breeding animals). If you’d like to learn more about it,…Read More

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