• The new database of SPIN plants is ready I think. I’ve been adding the plants in the old list to the new one, although there’s no real automatic way to do that and I have to do this manually. It may take a little more time to add the last ones of them. But in ways of functionality I think it is more or less finished. I would appreciate any…Read More

  • Hallo Khurtekant
    Meine zwei Paeonia kesrouanensis haben mich dieses Jahr mit einer Blüte beglückt. Die Pflanzen habe ich beim Jan Moors in Belgien gekauft. Die nächsten die blühen werden sind Paeonia – Coriacea Marokko.
    Ich denke du wirst sicher Jan Moors kennen. Schade das man in GB bei Paul Christiansen nicht mehr kaufen kann. Viele Wil…Read More

    • Hello Ulf. Yes, I know Jan Moors, he doesn’t live too far from me actually. I’ve never met him in person, but we’ve been in contact often. I’ve also got Paeonia coriacea from Morocco from him, same thing here, not so far from flowering. What is conspicuous about it is that is has very pale green leaflets, much paler than all others. It was the…Read More

      • Danke für die schnelle Antwort. Diese Nacht gibt es noch mal Frost und ich mache mir Sorgen das ich einige Blütenknospen einbüßen werde. Ich hatte mir vor Jahren 3x Jishanensis aus China schicken lassen. Habe alles ohne Pflanzenpapiere durch den Zoll bekommen und sie gedeihen sehr gut. Falls du Interesse hast könnte ich dir im Herbst ein oder zwei…Read More

  • Paeonia kesrouanensis now blooming here. You can see it’s far ahead of all other species, some twenty other species are growing around it, but nothing comes close.

  • Hallo an alle Pfingstrosenfreunde, heute kommt im Deutschen Fernsehen MDR 21 Uhr eine Sendung über Tulpen und Paeonien. Der Beitrag kann auch in der Mediathek MDR unter ” Der Osten entdecke wo du lebst” angeschaut werden. Zu sehen sind die Pfingstrosengärtner Steffen Schulze und Wolfgang Giessler und einige Mitglieder unserer Züchtergruppe. Au…Read More

    1 Comment
    • I’d love to see it. But it turns out that MDR has geoblocking enabled and the video cannot be viewed outside of Germany. Perhaps with a proxy server and such things it would be possible to bypass that filer, but I would have to look into that. Maybe I can find the television station on my own tv this evening. Thanks for the notice!

    • I got 2 in the fall – they are not yet ready to flower and are only just sprouting now – a young kesrouanensis Kemer syn. turcica is also there – it is also only showing tender shoots in the wind-protected cold frame.

      • I don’t think kesrouanensis and turcica are the same. P. turcica will show reddish or rather dark foliage upon emerging, whereas P. kesrouanensis is green from the onset. P. kesrouanensis is also a rather pale pink flower colour, whereas P. turcica is most often reddish, the few pink exceptions notwithstanding of course. P. kesrouanensis flowers…Read More

      • Showing the plant from the side, you can see how small it is when it flowers here. Images I’ve seen from Syria also show it flowering before full development, but at least in a more advanced state. I believe the much higher altitude and thus lower ambient temperatures prevailing there are the cause of that.

        • Thank you for your experiences with a scientific character – it’s fun to read. I am also looking forward a little more to my little P. turcica , which I still have to create a well-drained planting place in partial shade – whether it wants slightly acidic soil because it is a forest dweller (as some pictures of the natural habitat show) . But…Read More

  • I manage the peony collections at the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, London. We have just undertaken a wholesale redesign of our peony display garden, and I am particularly keen that it starts to better represent the

  • Paeonia Maximowiczii???

  • Das ist eine Paeonia obovata Maxim.aus der Region Priamurie. Die Pflanze ist sehr zierlich, ca. 40 cm gross. Die Blüten bleiben geschlossen.

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