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  • China
  • An interview with Alec White from Primrose Hall Peonies in the UK.

  • The peonies are growing strong, but it seems not all as good as last year. My tunnel with the whte lactiflore Mme. Claude Tain seems to have less stems than previous year and the sunny weather the last days has scorched some leaves, which results in botrytis of course. Fortunately the other varieties seem less susceptible. What caught my eye…Read More

  • В прошлом сезоне я получил массу удовольствия от цветения моих новых сеянцев. Это было их первое цветение. Они были все разные и все симпатичные. В этом новом сезоне я надеюсь увидеть еще больше интересного. Вполне возможно время цветения в этом сезоне сдвинется, но на качество не должно повлиять.

    • Pretty ones. From the abbreviations I’d think Lemon Chiffon has been used a lot? It shows somewhat in the fact that there are many pastel colours. Will they be introduced in the future, I don’t know of any Russian peony nursery actually? Some resellers are on facebook and there are obviously many collectors with very large numbers of different…Read More

      • Да, верно. Есть несколько групп сеянцев , в которых из родителей есть Lemon Chiffon. Но есть и другие варианты скрещивания с другими родителями. Возможно в новом сезоне получится увидеть еще что-то интересное. Регистрировать планирую в будущем, но надо еще повзрослеть немного. На счет питомников у нас, занимающихся гибридами и селекцией новых с…Read More

  • It’s still several months before we see these pretty flowers again. To smoothen the long wait, here’s a future peony registration. This is a mutation (aka sport) from Rozella. It has all the fine characteristics of Rozella: healthy plants with dark green foliage, extremely sturdy stems, large and pretty flowers. But instead of being dark pink,…Read More

  • Here some pictures of me pouring some Ga3 in water on the peony plants. It’s the first time we use a tractor for this purpose. Works much faster than simply filling buckets and a measuring cup as I used to do.

  • Peony experiences 2021

    The year 2021 is nearing its end. The last peonies shall be planted soon whilst only a few plants remain with green foliage. So, after some years, it might be an idea to look back onto the previous peony...

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    • Definitly 2021is quie challenging!! Too much raining and cold. Did your early forcing work with GA3 and polytunnels? Hope you meet the sky-high price period!!

      • Hello @lindapeony . Challenging it was indeed. For peonies at least we had our most profitable year ever, so we won’t complain. We are slightly earlier than Holland, about one week, but that does make a lot of difference. The last ones were mostly kept for ULO-storage, which failed miserably this year, but as the rest was very good… Early forcing went well, and GA3 as well, just have a look at the photo attached here (may be only visible in the ‘activity’ stream, not as comment below the article, software bug). This shows The Fawn outside during the season. The rows on the right had received GA3, whilst those on the left are naturally grown. The difference is about one week and the two series overlap somewhat, but you can clearly see that it’s possible to split work this way and have them earlier.

    • The most profitable year!! A just reward for the efforts you had made.

      The tunnel with GA3 should be much earlier than the ones with GA3 in the open field. So why didn’t you try more peonies in the polytunnels? Maybe the sky-high price period would be longer or earlier for yourself.

      • I did. The results in the polytunnel are the same, about one week difference. It’s just coincidence that I got a better picture outside. I was unable to cut all of the Fawn and therefore you can see some flowering in the right rows in that picture and therefore the difference is better shown. In The Fawn on the left not one flower was in bloom and the picture was taken before I was going to cut them for the first time.

  • Vanilla Schnapps, my favourite yellow.

    • This variety was extra-sensitive to our late frosts for me. I grew it for many years as Bill’s Best Yellow, and although I had a big plant of it, I almost never got flowers, let alone any seeds. My home garden is small, and I finally dug it out to make way for another variety. But I sent the divisions off to some other people, so it did not go…Read More

      • @bobjohnson I can see what you mean. This year we experienced the coldest and wettest Spring and Summer in over a century. Some varieties didn’t take it well and Vanilla Schnapps was one of the worst. Three quarters of all buds were destroyed one way or another (rotten, deformed and so on). The image shows some that were standing unsheltered, you…Read More

  • Nelda’s Joy. A good one. Medium height. Upright stems, buds well closed and round.

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