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  • United States
  • Johnson
  • @bobjohnson Yes, this year’s seeds. But they were mature halfway August, earlier than yours. Then soaked for two days and then all the different treatments. The bags were placed in my unheated greenhouse. I should have logged the temperatures perhaps, but I didn’t (I’ll do that next year). The greenhouse vents are set to keep temperatures around…Read More

  • Profile picture of khurtekant

    khurtekant posted a new activity comment

    @bobjohnson I can see what you mean. This year we experienced the coldest and wettest Spring and Summer in over a century. Some varieties didn’t take it well and Vanilla Schnapps was one of the worst. Three quarters of all buds were destroyed one way or another (rotten, deformed and so on). The image shows some that were standing unsheltered, you…Read More

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    The Peony Society posted a new activity comment

    @bernd-sommer This is how I myself usually go about it: 3 months of warm temperatures (>20°C), then followed by several weeks (up to 1 month) of mediate temperatures (10°C). When roots longer than 3 cm can be seen, they are then transferred to cold stortage (2-4°C) for 2 months. Then moved to warmer temperatures again. Most often this works, th…Read More

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    • Bernd-sommers. You are correct about how different crosses can behave differently in response to our efforts to get them to germinate. I gather my bags of seeds together, and subject them all to exactly the same conditions, and…some crosses germinate at much higher percentages than other crosses do, even if they have the same pod parent. W…Read More

  • Profile picture of khurtekant

    khurtekant posted a new activity comment

    @bobjohnson I think they simply took two plants from different locations. Even within species there are small differences, both between different locations and probably, though smaller, also between plants in the same population. If you would stand before a population of such a species and could take home whatever you’d like, I guess we’d all go…Read More


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