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  • United Kingdom
  • Hi folks. I may have asked this before – but is it possible to propagate Peonies by cuttings in any way – stem, or leaf etc? Many thanks for any information. Brian.

    1 Comment
    • No, that won’t work with peonies. There aren’t that many ways of propagating peonies. Herbaceous ones are exclusively propagated through division. Seeds don’t give plants identical to the mother and would take many years anyway. Tree peonies are propagated through division or grafting onto (herbaceous) rootstocks. If I’m not mistaken layering…Read More

  • In my 2nd year of germinating tree Peonies and now have 2 seedlings about 3 inches high, each with one set of small leaves. It’s September 19th and am wondering what will happen to them this year? As so young, will they still lose the leaves they have and survive kept indoors, or will they keep these and stay as they are for a while until they’re…Read More

    • Hello @brianrayment . I’m not completely sure I understand your question. But what will happen to your peony seedling is quite clear. It will lose its leaves soon and after Winter it will grow again. As they are tree peonies, the stem will remain. Keeping them inside is of no real use, it will shed the foliage later, but the plants need a cold…Read More

      • Hi, hello Khurtekant, thanks. I suppose I’m concerned because the seedlings only have their 1st, very thin stem – one’s been out about 2 months (4 inches tall), the other only in the last two weeks and is only 2 inches tall. They seem too delicate to be put outside when we had temperatures down to -10° last winter.

        • That’s young growth of course. That will probably be more prone to frost. Then it’s best to keep it inside, it will remain green for a longer time and the stem will slowly have time to become somewhat woody. Eventually the leaves will fall of, but as it has only started growing lately, it will be several months still. Then you’d better put it…Read More

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