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  • United Kingdom
  • Profile picture of Chris


    2 years, 2 months ago · updated 2 years, 2 months ago

    Is this P. Intermedia? What I can tell you is that it was grown from seed collected by Jim Archbald. The person who received this seed labelled the plant ‘rhodoptia’?
    I understand the seed collector may have visited the area where P. intermedia grows,

    • No. The leaflets aren’t divided enough to be intermedia. The flowers are also not hanging as in that species. P. intermedia looks a lot like P. anomala. Your peoy looks like P. officinalis to me. I can’t see which subspecies, but the differences are sometimes small. P. intermedia grows in central Asia, P. officinals around the northern Mediterranean, from Portugal to former Yugoslavia, they never meet in the wild.

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