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  • Netherlands
  • Westland
  • Hélène Martin. Actually a ‘Lutea-hybrid’ and it shows in the hanging flowers unfortunately. Otherwise a pretty, large, floriferous and healthy plant.

  • Some seedlings flowering for the first time here. Nothing much can be said about them yet, but at least they have a nice flower.

  • PVBM003, Pink Vanguard X Buoy Master that is. A semi-double, early and very sturdy pale pink with a nice fragrance. Other years it has been more double than this, something I’ve seen with other varieties as well this season. Perhaps the extremely dry and hot Summer last year?

  • Two species that are close to one another. I should check in detail whether they are what they are supposed to be, but from a good source. First Paeonia anomala, then Paeonia intermedia. Intermedia should be somewhere between P. tenuifolia and anomala. From these plants I would agree.

  • A seedling plant this one. Garden name ‘Kato001’, which is the best selection of some 400 to maturity grown seedlings of Pink Vanguard X Lavender Baby, and which thus has Paeonia coriacea genes. Very good garden plant, very early, but alas no cut flower because, although it remains firmly upright, the last part of the stem just below the flower…Read More

  • A good seedling this one, has been divided once and this is two years after division, it will have much more flowers the following years, but is already doing fine. Open pollination, mother is ‘Fedora mloko hybrid’, a plant which was selected by Will McLewin. No species hence but has such a look and far easier to grow and prettier than most Mlo…Read More

  • Shrubby peony ‘Anna Marie’. A Bill Seidl introduction which is easily available and which I can heartily recommend. Grows well, has very nice foliage as you can see and the flowers are also pretty.

  • Another one with distinct foliage. P. tenuifolia.

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Edyta Białous Cieślak
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