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Edyta Białous CieślakOffline

  • Poland
  • Hello, does anyone have photos of peonies that were sprayed with a chemical containing glyphosate

    • I don’t have any image (and I couldn’t find any in Dutch literature as well). Mostly glyphosate isn’t used in peonies. Only in Winter when they bud are fully underground is it still being used to kill of the weeds. But if you use it when actively growing, you’ll nearly always have some damage.

      When sprayed from above on the plants themselves…Read More

      • W polskiej literaturze też brak takich informacji, parę lat temu kupiłam piwonie od jednego hodowcy który używa tego środka w celu eliminacji chwastów z piwonii, /jedną lactiflore oraz suffruticosa/ wówczas spotkałam się z tym pierwszy raz i nie wiedziałam co się dzieję sądziłam że może są zarażone przez nicienie, , ale w trakcie rozmowy z p…Read More

      • There is also no such information in Polish literature, a few years ago I bought peonies from one grower who uses this agent to eliminate weeds from peonies, / one lactiflore and suffruticosa / then I saw it for the first time and I did not know what was happening, I thought maybe they are infected by nematodes, but when talking to you, it turned…Read More

      • @edyta-bialous-cieslak Leaf nematodes usually give the following symptoms here: stunted growth, deformed leaves, lack of buds or flowers on stems. So many symptoms are alike. Dead foliage between the leaf veins and not going through them is a tell-tale sign of leaf nematodes which you won’t see as a result of glyphosate, this usually shows later…Read More

      • I couldn’t locate any images of leaf nematode damage immediately, but I remember making a video of some of them a couple of years ago which I posted here on the site. The difference between infested plants and healthy plants is very clear from that I think:

        Foliar nematodes – the movie

    • @edyta-bialous-cieslak You’re lucky (and I’m less so) as I found I do have some plants growing now that have herbicide damage. Roundup (glyphosate) was sprayed just prior to them starting to grow, most plants show no damage, but this one is the first one of the row, so probably it has received an overdose of it. It didn’t kill it, but the…Read More

    • The plant next to it, showing partial damage, thus some stems good, others not.

  • Hello, if anyone knows where in Europe I can buy Rose Crystal peonies, I would be grateful for the information



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