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  • Sweden
  • Hansen
  • Both plants together.

  • Thus P. daurica subsp daurica

  • Another P. daurica. This time subspecies daurica. Grows next to subsp coriifolia, so easier to compare. Greener foliage, much wider leaflets. Colour of the flowers is the same. Somewhat taller. Same flowering time. The main difference surely is the shape of the leaflets. I find the daurica classification rather difficult, but we can’t change it.…Read More

  • One of a few different Paeonia daurica flowering now. Bought as Paeonia Ruprechtiana, it should be daurica subspecies coriifolia if I’m not mistaken. Red petals when in bud, but when open they fade somewhat. The leaflets are longer than they are wide. A purplish cast to the foliage. Rather short growing.

  • Paeonia caucasica, white selection. Now flowering outside, always very early.

  • For years I’ve tried to make some crosses with Belleville, a very large and double dark pink lactiflora, which is the mother of that enormous Command Performance. I got it from Don Hollingsworth a long time ago. I hardly got a few seeds after many many crosses. These are two that are about to flower for the first time in a few weeks’ time. First…Read More

  • This one is a selection from Pink Vanguard X Lavender Baby. The flower is nothing special, but it has very pretty foliage, consisting of a large number of smaller leaflets that grow slightly one over the other.

  • PVBM003, which is the third, and best, selection of the cross Pink Vanguard x Buoy Master. 10 stems in its third year after division.

  • Profile picture of khurtekant

    Last year Pietertje Vriend Wagenaar was honored with the Gold Medal 2018 and thus became the 2019 peony of the year (this year the award went to Angel Emily). For me it was a bit unexpected as I would have chosen

    A battle of equals

    Last year Pietertje Vriend Wagenaar was honored with the Gold Medal 2018 and thus became the 2019 peony of the year (this year the award went to Angel Emily). For me it was a bit unexpected as I would...

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    1 Comment
    • I’ve had signs of this same sort of speckled pigmentation show up in some of my herbaceous hybrid seedlings. Nothing as dramatic as happened with ‘The Fawn’ but it does seem like a phenomenon which can show up in other instances too.

      Bob Johnson

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