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    Morgan wrote a new post

    Seedlings from Finland, Ahti from SPS.

    Seedlings from Finland, Ahti from SPS. I have been a member of the Swedish Peony Society since its inception in 2013 and through them have been able to buy peony seeds from various sources. This peony comes from Finland, Ahti...

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  • I am trying to grow P. brownii in my greenhouse and trying to understand how they will live is a big challenge. Have obtained soil from a Douglas fir and mixed with mineral soil and now I am in the second year. From what I understand, Swedish summers are not ideal due to rainy periods, so I am trying to use our cold greenhouse. All input is welcome!

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    • @morganholdar If you’re already in the second year you’re doing remarkably well. With this species I never got beyond a few months before they succumbed. So I’d better take advice from you instead. But for what it’s worth, here’s my opinion. They grow in a region with very little rainfall, especially in Summer. Your cold greenhouse is thus indeed…Read More

  • Bought a peony from Belgium in February, but was not what I expected. Wondering what it might be? Suspects that it is a P. daurica.

  • One of my favorite growers has been Irene Tolomeo and with each new one in the garden I have been able to enjoy her fine breeding work. Started with ‘Sonoma Welcome’ and since then there have been almost 1-2 new ones per year. The interesting are her variety of Itoh peonies and how well grown the plants are. Know that there may be some new…Read More

  • Have bought peonies on several occasions based on the name and the first was probably ‘Going Bananas’ who doesn’t want one with that name? Or haven’t we all had a ‘Bad Hair Day’? Who hasn’t been sitting with a bad card in the card game ‘Svarte Peter’. Those make me happy and are easy to remember. What is your best name peony and why?

  • Got a seedling 2015 from Teppi and it had rather small and not very attractive flowers, but there was something about the color of the flower that appealed to me. The leaves were stout and quite tall, so I suspected that the flowers would develop as the root grew larger. Today it makes single and semi-double flowers now and the color is really…Read More

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  • What sets the standard for a normal species and what counts as variation within a species? When I think of our garden varieties, should I really count them as one species or should they all be classified as some type of hybrid with more or less species equal traits?
    In picture is a seedling from a P. delavayi

    • Endless discussions can be had about what species are. And as you may know, there are ‘splitters’ and ‘lumpers’. Biological (do they cross easily), morphological (do they look alike) and genetic (how different is the DNA) definitions are possible and even there you have the question of how much difference is needed to have another species or…Read More

      • Thanks, I have some other delavayi and they have much wider leaves, but have seen that reds may have these more fernleaf. For many years mine have been really low only 20-30 cm but this year past 70 cm and still growing.

  • Bought some seedlings for some years ago and this one with name P. mascula ssp arietina. Never seen any of my other peony seedling with this yellowish leafs color. This is fourth year in garden and it seems to grow slowly… or is this something else?

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    • Not sure what it is, small seedlings tend to look somewhat different. I’ve gotten a few such seedlings with yellow leaves, but here they tend to die slowly. Yellow leaves tend to scorch in full sun and the plants grow slowly. If you’re looking for an arietina (not mascula ssp arietina), then perhaps you could try P. arietina ‘Northern Glory’ which…Read More

  • Have a ‘Mary Gretchen’ and in late summer 2020 I see a lot of ants around the root, hade to dig it up and the root was damage so I cut away all damage part and got five small roots. Planted after some days and last year all grow up and now they are on there way again! From 1 to 5 plants, happy!

  • Last year my ‘Lorelei’ made a flower much lighter than the original, special neon-orange-reddish pink colour (how to describe the colour of ‘Lorelei’ – impossible!) . I will check if this happens again, and then isolate the part of the root.
    Has this happened to any of you?

    • @ruud Ruud Warmerdam has such a mutation from Lorelei if I recall correctly. I think he even named it, but I don’t remember how. Nice colour, but Lorelei never has been a good grower for me.

      • @ruud Mine comes from Ruud; it would be interesting to know the name :) ‘Lorelei’ is a slow grower, and seems to wander off, now some stems grow well apart from the main plant.

        • @leena @khurtekant
          I do have a selection from my Lorelei. Found this mutation in 2011, in the week that my (not-so-little-girl-anymore) was born. Logic and with the heart in my head, I have garden named it after her: Nikita. Ever since I have been monitoring this mutation, to see if remains stabile. And so far it does. I have been propagating it…Read More

          • Dear Ruud, thanks for your prompt reply. I did write once about this (with photos) on the APS Fb group, addressing Don H, but never received any comments or replies from anyone. I had just one flower (last year) on a stem in the corner of the plant (which seems to have an officinalis tendency to wander around). I will keep a close eye on the…Read More

            • Actually the crawling habit might be more the peregrina pedigree (it is believed that Rubra Plena etc. are of peregrina pedigree also). For me Lorelei is a wonderful grower. True, the first two years it can be slow compared to others. But then… It just takes off! I am picking 15-20 stems per plant from my cut flower block (picture) every year.
              I…Read More

              • My Rubra Plena is all over the place and peregrina stays put. Hm….How wonderful it would be if this blonde version of ‘Lorelei’ was a ‘Nikita’ – you know I have it on my wish list since you showed me the photo for some years ago, but I never thought it would be a Lorelei mutation. I will certainly keep you posted, and hugs to the Real N.

                • @ruud – found a very bad photo of the plant from last year with both flower colours.

                • Very odd, to me. No double appearances in my Lorelei’s nor in my “Nikita’s”. My selection is 100% similar to Lorelei, in every aspect. And my Nikita with long hair enjoyed your hug very much!

                  • We’ll see what happens this year! I will keep you posted. The “blonde” flower appeared for the first time last year, it might have been due to the two dry seasons.


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