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  • Chotkowski
  • Daedalus, a Daphnis hybrid. A very large plant here. Reliable and a very intense red colour.

  • Last year my ‘Lorelei’ made a flower much lighter than the original, special neon-orange-reddish pink colour (how to describe the colour of ‘Lorelei’ – impossible!) . I will check if this happens again, and then isolate the part of the root.
    Has this happened to any of you?

    • @ruud Ruud Warmerdam has such a mutation from Lorelei if I recall correctly. I think he even named it, but I don’t remember how. Nice colour, but Lorelei never has been a good grower for me.

      • @ruud Mine comes from Ruud; it would be interesting to know the name :) ‘Lorelei’ is a slow grower, and seems to wander off, now some stems grow well apart from the main plant.

        • @leena @khurtekant
          I do have a selection from my Lorelei. Found this mutation in 2011, in the week that my (not-so-little-girl-anymore) was born. Logic and with the heart in my head, I have garden named it after her: Nikita. Ever since I have been monitoring this mutation, to see if remains stabile. And so far it does. I have been propagating it…Read More

          • Dear Ruud, thanks for your prompt reply. I did write once about this (with photos) on the APS Fb group, addressing Don H, but never received any comments or replies from anyone. I had just one flower (last year) on a stem in the corner of the plant (which seems to have an officinalis tendency to wander around). I will keep a close eye on the…Read More

            • Actually the crawling habit might be more the peregrina pedigree (it is believed that Rubra Plena etc. are of peregrina pedigree also). For me Lorelei is a wonderful grower. True, the first two years it can be slow compared to others. But then… It just takes off! I am picking 15-20 stems per plant from my cut flower block (picture) every year.
              I…Read More

              • My Rubra Plena is all over the place and peregrina stays put. Hm….How wonderful it would be if this blonde version of ‘Lorelei’ was a ‘Nikita’ – you know I have it on my wish list since you showed me the photo for some years ago, but I never thought it would be a Lorelei mutation. I will certainly keep you posted, and hugs to the Real N.

                • @ruud – found a very bad photo of the plant from last year with both flower colours.

                • Very odd, to me. No double appearances in my Lorelei’s nor in my “Nikita’s”. My selection is 100% similar to Lorelei, in every aspect. And my Nikita with long hair enjoyed your hug very much!

                  • We’ll see what happens this year! I will keep you posted. The “blonde” flower appeared for the first time last year, it might have been due to the two dry seasons.

  • Hélène Martin. Actually a ‘Lutea-hybrid’ and it shows in the hanging flowers unfortunately. Otherwise a pretty, large, floriferous and healthy plant.

  • Some seedlings flowering for the first time here. Nothing much can be said about them yet, but at least they have a nice flower.

  • PVBM003, Pink Vanguard X Buoy Master that is. A semi-double, early and very sturdy pale pink with a nice fragrance. Other years it has been more double than this, something I’ve seen with other varieties as well this season. Perhaps the extremely dry and hot Summer last year?

  • Two species that are close to one another. I should check in detail whether they are what they are supposed to be, but from a good source. First Paeonia anomala, then Paeonia intermedia. Intermedia should be somewhere between P. tenuifolia and anomala. From these plants I would agree.

  • A seedling plant this one. Garden name ‘Kato001’, which is the best selection of some 400 to maturity grown seedlings of Pink Vanguard X Lavender Baby, and which thus has Paeonia coriacea genes. Very good garden plant, very early, but alas no cut flower because, although it remains firmly upright, the last part of the stem just below the flower…Read More

  • A good seedling this one, has been divided once and this is two years after division, it will have much more flowers the following years, but is already doing fine. Open pollination, mother is ‘Fedora mloko hybrid’, a plant which was selected by Will McLewin. No species hence but has such a look and far easier to grow and prettier than most Mlo…Read More

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