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  • United Kingdom
  • Long Yeong Nursery - Growing Exquisite Paeonia rockii

    Long Yeong Nursery proudly upholds a time-honoured tradition of peony breeding that dates back to the 1980s. Skilled generations of predecessors have meticulously cultivated the nursery’s planting bases. Long Yeong Nursery has evolved into a professional company specializing in...

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  • Tree peony growers, focus on tree/woody peonies for 40 years.
    160+ varieties are available. 2024 grafted seedlings are open to order now.
    Comment and let me know your opinion.

    • Great plants, you sure have a nice collection of species plants! P. jishanensis I’ve not often seen before. I’m only vaguely aware of the differences between species tree peonies (I’m mostly into herbaceous ones), but the foliage of this one reminds me a bit of P. decomposita (short, lobed leaflets). Pretty plant! Thanks for posting!

      • Hi Koen, I got the P. jishanensis from Giessler , i had a P.decomposita ssp. rotundiloba once too , it didn’t make it – good drainage, a slightly raised planting site or a slope as a planting site are advantageous. Dick Westland also has the P. jishanensis in culture. With mine I have taken 2 scions u. grafted on P. lactiflora – roots – am…Read More

        • Yes, I noticed Giessler had it in his catalogue. I’ve read it also grows from shoots that appear further along its roots, helping it to spread. I used to have several P. decomposita grown from seed in the past, but the only one left here is also somewhat struggling. The advise you give about growing them are things I also try doing, but it seems…Read More

          • Yes, it is true – the P. jishanensis forms runners from the rootstock – by the way also a characteristic of P. qiui . These runners are allowed to grow a little stronger and are separated from the rootstock in the fall, leaving a young plant without grafting or pollinating. Over the young plant I give a large pot from October to March (like a…Read More

  • Paeonia daurica ssp. coriifolia ( ruprechtiana )

  • Paeonia morisii – Flowering time here in the low mountains of Germany is about the end of April / beginning of May

  • Paeonia veitchii ssp. woodwardii var. alba – Flowering time here in the low mountains of Germany is about the end of May

  • Paeonia qiui in March 2023

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