• Name unknown – does anyone know? Tree Peony flowering now (August- late winter in NZ) but known to flower 3 months earlier….

      • I have no idea what it might be, shrubby peonies are not my specialty and it is very difficult to identify peony varieties as there are so many of them. I like the color, but what surprises me is the fact that you write it is known to flower 3 months earlier than now, August. Considering you’re on the opposite side of the world, August would be…Read More

      • I have gone back and checked photos and It has consistently flowered Aug/Sep or Sep/Oct for the last 7 years. I shifted it 8 years ago to a more sheltered less frosty position so that may explain it. Magnificent flowers but they often suffer from rot at the stem of the flower despite spraying a fungicide regularly.

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