• In the hoophouses, peonies are growing fine. The difference between the gibberellin treated plants and untreated ones can be clearly seen this year. Only Mme Claude Tain growing in this one.

  • The early peonies are coming out of the soil by now. Below is a current image of a very early hybrid which I intend to register with the American Peony Society (APS) this year. To do that, one must give a good description of the plant, so I’ll be taking a lot of pictures of this one. It’s grown from seed (as are (nearly) all new peony varieties of…Read More

  • The Forums have now been closed (except for the forum where you can comment on posts/articles from our ‘magazine’). It was from the beginning somewhat doubtful whether both a forum and an activity wall would not be confusing. If they would integrate well with one another I’d still stand behind it, but although the discussion topics do appear…Read More

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    • I’m glad you are keeping the Hybridizer’s Corner open. The fact that it’s somewhat hidden away is just fine with me, as I’m not a fan of social media pages for holding serious conversations. And Facebook seems to be so unfocused. Our Pacific Northwest Peony Society’s actual membership is made up primarily of commercial growers in our area,…Read More

  • I’ve ordered peony seeds many times before, but how I’ve received P. broteri from Portugal by Sementes Vivas is truly making me happy 😀

  • Freezing cold outside and snow on the ground. In our unheated plastic hoophouses, the first peonies are peeking through the soil. Only the ones treated with Ga3 as yet, the other ones will surely follow suit. Half of the rows received this treatment. Two left rows are Old Faithful, four right ones The Fawn.

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    • Outside, newly planted ones. If storage of the roots is too cold and early Winter too hot, this may occur. We’ll see how they handle this cold spell.

  • The American Peony Society just sent me their latest Bulletin. Lately they have done a lot of effort to make membership more attractive than ever before. Their website did receive a full revamp and for the future all past Bulletins wil become available online for members. That’s quite a treasure when you’re really into peonies. More information on…Read More

  • Peonies and ethylene

    During my experiments with long term storage in ultra-low oxygen conditions one of the findings was that ethylene concentrations sometimes reached extremely high levels. As can be seen from the figures below, in 2019 the concentration of ethylene in...

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  • Didn’t expect it anymore, but apparently the third volume from Hong De-Yuan’s books on peonies is in print. The species classification is about to have an update.

    • Hum, I wonder what they are trying to contend here, when they appear to show two different P.Brownii, and two different P.Californica ? It seems like they do this with several other of the species as well. Are they just saying that they looked at several different samples, or are they saying that they found distinct subspecies ?

      • @bobjohnson I think they simply took two plants from different locations. Even within species there are small differences, both between different locations and probably, though smaller, also between plants in the same population. If you would stand before a population of such a species and could take home whatever you’d like, I guess we’d all go…Read More

    • We have Brownii growing locally in the forests here, but despite it living at a higher altitude than my house, it blooms very early – much before the herbaceous hybrids at my home bloom. If one wanted to try hybridizing it, you’d pretty much need to have it growing on your own property I think, so you could keep track of the exact time that the…Read More

  • It won’t be long before the specialized peony shops start showing their new offering for the coming season (harvest 2021). Most do this December/January so it’s a good idea to have a look at the website of your favorite trusted peony site to see when they’ll start their new offer as rare and new introductions are usually sold out incredibly fast.…Read More

    • As chance would have it, I just found out that Colonel Owen Cousins can have a very poor plant habit with the stems easily leaning down due to the heavy flowers. Somewhat better in cold climates it seems, but I guess not the best recommendation. https://www.facebook.com/groups/1216285451864393/permalink/1763030040523262/

    • Interesting to see that Joshua is already sold out of a number of items. Not necessarily the most expensive things, but some of the more common things too. Growers need to be able to estimate the sort of yield that they will get from their plants, as orders taken now are for fall divisions which will be taken from plants which have not even…Read More

  • Dec 5th today, Canary Brilliants which rebloomed end of July after cutting down, is still standing green. The few plants in the front left row that hadn’t been cut back (the ‘comparison plants’), have no green foliage left. Mowing them all today as frost and snow is expected the following days. That clearly marks the end of the 2020 peony activities.

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