• The American Peony Society (APS) has just proclaimed the peony ‘Pietertje Vriend Wagenaar’ as the 2018 Gold Medal Winner and thus as the Peony of the Year 2019. Rumor has it, however, that this plant might be

    The Fawn

    The American Peony Society (APS) has just proclaimed the peony 'Pietertje Vriend Wagenaar' as the 2018 Gold Medal Winner and thus as the Peony of the Year 2019. Rumor has it, however, that this plant might be identical to...

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    Anybody can read the forums, to be able to post a topic or reply to one, you’ll have to login first. It’s very easy to post in our forums. Just write your questions or stories here and press ‘submit’, after which your post will appear and others will have the opportunity to reply to it.…

  • A peony that really stood out from the rest in the beginning of this season was ‘Just Peachy’. It’s a sibling to Dreamtime, Kathy’s Touch, Nelda’s Joy and probably some others as well, all deriving from the same

    Just Peachy

    A peony that really stood out from the rest in the beginning of this season was 'Just Peachy'. It's a sibling to Dreamtime, Kathy's Touch, Nelda's Joy and probably some others as well, all deriving from the same cross...

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    • ‘Blushing Princess’ parentage seems to bring good stems and larger plants with it, whatever it’s involved with. I’m seeing quite a few BP seedlings this year, and stem strength is a notable quality with many of them.

  • Tranquil Dove is a hybrid peony that derives from a somewhat shady cross. It’s an open pollinated seedling from Halcyon, a strain of very alike plants. Halcyon derives from some P. lactiflora cultivar, and the

    Tranquil Dove

    Tranquil Dove is a hybrid peony that derives from a somewhat shady cross. It's an open pollinated seedling from Halcyon, a strain of very alike plants. Halcyon derives from some P. lactiflora cultivar, and the pollen came from a...

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    • I had the chance to see a couple of plants of this variety in full bloom a few days ago, and I’ll have to say, I can’t remember seeing a more charming peony plant. The flowers were smallish, but that didn’t make much difference, given how strikingly attractive it was, with the flowers sitting altogether at the same height on the top of the plant. I’m not sure how long the flowers on the plant will stay looking good, maybe just a few days ? But seeing this unusually variety made a real impression on me, when it was fresh and looking good.

      • The flowers tend to hold quite well. Five days later now and the flowers still look good. Here’s a close-up of a flower that was open back then. It has paled of course but there’s still some pink blush on the sides and I think it’s still very attractive.

    • Vigor is right ! These are very shy to make seeds, but the few seeds that I have gotten have produced some the very most vigorous seedlings that I’ve ever grown, in all my years of growing seedlings.

  • The peony Vanilla Schnapps is one of the very best peonies that can be found and one of my all-time favorites. It was originally distributed as Bill’s Best Yellow (seedling 79H18-2) since it is plant that

    Vanilla Schnapps

    The peony Vanilla Schnapps is one of the very best peonies that can be found and one of my all-time favorites. It was originally distributed as Bill's Best Yellow (seedling 79H18-2) since it is plant that originated in Bill...

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    • A nice yellow alright, and distinct from the more transparent yellow of ‘Lemon Chiffon’, which may have derived it’s yellow from some other source, genetically. It’s shorter than LC as well. Here where we battle late frosts every spring, VS is decidedly more susceptible to carpal damage than LC, so I’ve almost no seedlings from it as a pod parent yet, and don’t know if I ever will. An aspect of it’s ‘Blushing Princess’ heritage perhaps, as BP is another who’s carpals are easily damaged by late frost, here on the High Desert.

  • That may take a while. The article was originally written in 2013 and offers the description of the flowering plants then (which had at the time not yet been named). Those were all plants of which there was only

  • Don Hollingsworth is an American hybridizer who introduced many fine varieties and is well-known within the peony community for giving plenty of advice, both in publications, newsgroups and personal e-mail

    Growing fine peonies almost anywhere

    Don Hollingsworth is an American hybridizer who introduced many fine varieties and is well-known within the peony community for giving plenty of advice, both in publications, newsgroups and personal e-mail correspondence. He used to run a very good peony...

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  • Paeonia tenuifolia, also known as the fernleaf peony, is a very different peony species with lots of finely divided narrow leaflets. Most readers may know the wild form, which is a single red, or the cultivated

    Pink double fernleafs

    Paeonia tenuifolia, also known as the fernleaf peony, is a very different peony species with lots of finely divided narrow leaflets. Most readers may know the wild form, which is a single red, or the cultivated double red 'Plena'....

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