• The peony Vanilla Schnapps is one of the very best peonies that can be found and one of my all-time favorites. It was originally distributed as Bill’s Best Yellow (seedling 79H18-2) since it is plant that

    Vanilla Schnapps

    The peony Vanilla Schnapps is one of the very best peonies that can be found and one of my all-time favorites. It was originally distributed as Bill's Best Yellow (seedling 79H18-2) since it is plant that originated in Bill...

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    • A nice yellow alright, and distinct from the more transparent yellow of ‘Lemon Chiffon’, which may have derived it’s yellow from some other source, genetically. It’s shorter than LC as well. Here where we battle late frosts every spring, VS is decidedly more susceptible to carpal damage than LC, so I’ve almost no seedlings from it as a pod parent yet, and don’t know if I ever will. An aspect of it’s ‘Blushing Princess’ heritage perhaps, as BP is another who’s carpals are easily damaged by late frost, here on the High Desert.

  • Don Hollingsworth is an American hybridizer who introduced many fine varieties and is well-known within the peony community for giving plenty of advice, both in publications, newsgroups and personal e-mail

    Growing fine peonies almost anywhere

    Don Hollingsworth is an American hybridizer who introduced many fine varieties and is well-known within the peony community for giving plenty of advice, both in publications, newsgroups and personal e-mail correspondence. He used to run a very good peony...

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  • “Why should we join a peony society?” (this one, or any other), you might ask yourself. After all, you can simply grow them in your garden and enjoy them yourself. Well, a society has the benefit of bringing

    Green Prozac

    "Why should we join a peony society?" (this one, or any other), you might ask yourself. After all, you can simply grow them in your garden and enjoy them yourself. Well, a society has the benefit of bringing like-minded...

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  • In the 19th century many peonies were bred in France and the UK, whilst the center of peony hybridizing was to be found in the USA during the 20th century. It didn’t all stop in Europe however. Here’s an older

    Peonies in Lithuania

    In the 19th century many peonies were bred in France and the UK, whilst the center of peony hybridizing was to be found in the USA during the 20th century. It didn't all stop in Europe however. Here's an...

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  • An interview with Silvia Saunders in the New York Times (1974). Silvia Saunders (1901-1994) is the daughter of A.P.

    Around the garden

    An interview with Silvia Saunders in the New York Times (1974). Silvia Saunders (1901-1994) is the daughter of A.P. Saunders, well-known peony hybridizer, who took over...

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  • Lois’ Choice was picked by the American Peony Society (APS) as the 2017 Gold Medal winner and hence also as the 2018 peony of the  year. It’s a quite recent introduction from Chris Laning, not too tall, but with

    APS Peony of the Year 2018

    Lois' Choice was picked by the American Peony Society (APS) as the 2017 Gold Medal winner and hence also as the 2018 peony of the  year. It's a quite recent introduction from Chris Laning, not too tall, but with...

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  • William Seidl
    Message 1 of 3 , Mar 17, 2009

    In paging thru the new Checklist 97 – 07, I came across the entry, p8, Christina, reg. 1999 by Hermann Krupke of Ljung, Sweden, from the cross Otto Froebel


    William Seidl Message 1 of 3 , Mar 17, 2009 In paging thru the new Checklist 97 - 07, I came across the entry, p8, Christina, reg. 1999 by Hermann Krupke of Ljung, Sweden, from the cross Otto Froebel seedling x...

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  • William Seidl
    Apr 3, 2008
    Peony Friends,
    Luriel, in Denmark, has directed me to the Japanese email address www.shikoku-garden.com where one can find a page entitled “Peonies For Shade”. Therein are listed P

    Valkyrie (74H120-2)

    William Seidl Apr 3, 2008 Peony Friends, Luriel, in Denmark, has directed me to the Japanese email address www.shikoku-garden.com where one can find a page entitled "Peonies For Shade". Therein are listed P. japonica, P. obovata, and P. o. 'Flame'. All these are listed...

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