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  • Germany
  • Burkhardt
  • Site came crashing down last night. Didn’t have time to fix it then, but back online now. Automatic peony news gathering took too much memory on the server, hopefully the increase given now will make it run smoothly.

  • For most peonistas it will already be known, but in case you may have missed the latest major event in the peony world: what once used to be the Walhalla for any peony lover, but became a desolate place the last

    Carsten Burkhardt's web project Paeonia

    For most peonistas it will already be known, but in case you may have missed the latest major event in the peony world: what once used to be the Walhalla for any peony lover, but became a desolate place...

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  • Small update to the site. It is again possible to chat live. As the number of site visitors is continuing to rise, it does slowly become useful. It is only enabled when logged in, and you can only chat with those members you are ‘friends’ with, so you won’t be bothered by others. There’s also the possibility of group chats if you’re a member of…Read More

  • Although hard to understand what they say if you don’t speak any Chinese, this video about peonies follows them around the world, visiting the French peony nursery Rivière and the Dutch FloraHolland auction along

    Peonies on China TV

    Although hard to understand what they say if you don't speak any Chinese, this video about peonies follows them around the world, visiting the French peony nursery Rivière and the Dutch FloraHolland auction along the way. Most of it...

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  • Also added, a page with updates about the New Zealand P(a)eony Society, a bit complicated with two facebook accounts next to their instagram account, but I guess it worked out fine:

  • Added today to the overview of peony societies: The Japanese Peony Society. Any updates posted on their facebook page will appear under the ‘peony societies’ news section. Alternatively you could visit the page with only their update (for most visitors: use the automatic translation):

  • The peony flower season lasts only a few weeks as we all know. Although the season has been advanced and prolonged by growing them in other places more South and North, year-round production is still not a viable

    Ultra Low Oxygen (ULO) storage of peonies

    The peony flower season lasts only a few weeks as we all know. Although the season has been advanced and prolonged by growing them in other places more South and North, year-round production is still not a viable option....

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  • #thepeonysociety
    A lot has been done on the site, but it’s a never ending task. The latest thing we’ve tried to do is some further integration with social media. With over 2 billion users on them they are hard

    Site changes and roadmap

    #thepeonysociety A lot has been done on the site, but it's a never ending task. The latest thing we've tried to do is some further integration with social media. With over 2 billion users on them they are hard to...

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  • This is a small video showing how large scale the peony cutflower trade has grown in Holland. The machine you are seeing is a Havatec Quality Buncher, which is normally used for preparing cut tulips, but the first

    Automatic bunching of peony cut flowers

    This is a small video showing how large scale the peony cutflower trade has grown in Holland. The machine you are seeing is a Havatec Quality Buncher, which is normally used for preparing cut tulips, but the first ones...

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  • The Paeonia newsletter

    It is with pleasure that we are finally able to say the Paeonia newsletter is fully online. Paeonia was an international newsletter for peony hybridizers. It was published quarterly from April 1970 to spring 2002. It was started in 1970...

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