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  • United States
  • There’s no denying that The American Peony Society is doing great work currently. Despite its’ geographic denomination, it is recommended for every peony enthusiast worldwide to become a member. If you choose a digital subscription only, it’s quite cheap as well. Their latest publication of their Bulletin features a long article by Don Smith which…Read More

  • Paeonia emodi (Greenhouse grown).

  • Early Caucasian Hybrid finally flowering. All other ones are still far behind.

  • It has been a long time with colder-than-average temperatures. Night times usually freezing, day times between 5-10°C. This results in plants not actively growing. Our peony broker sent out a newsletter today and in this mentions a lot of problems due to this. The main issue being young stems that fall over due to botrytis at ground level. That…Read More

  • Still rather cold in Belgium. Early Caucasian Hybrid is several days to a full week behind last year. It won’t be too long however…

  • First flower of the season outside and it’s only March 26th. P. kesrouanensis. Strong agreeable fragrance. The foliage develops further after flowering. Flowering times are usually compared to Red Charm. That one normally flowers May 10-15 here. So the offset is approximately 45 days earlier. I don’t have any other peony flowering this early

  • ‘Early Caucasian Hybrid’ as it now stands growing outside.

  • In the hoophouses, peonies are growing fine. The difference between the gibberellin treated plants and untreated ones can be clearly seen this year. Only Mme Claude Tain growing in this one.

  • The early peonies are coming out of the soil by now. Below is a current image of a very early hybrid which I intend to register with the American Peony Society (APS) this year. To do that, one must give a good description of the plant, so I’ll be taking a lot of pictures of this one. It’s grown from seed (as are (nearly) all new peony varieties of…Read More

  • I’ve ordered peony seeds many times before, but how I’ve received P. broteri from Portugal by Sementes Vivas is truly making me happy 😀

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Edyta Białous Cieślak
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