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  • United Kingdom
  • Could anybody please fully identify this peony for me please.

    • It clearly is an intersectional (=herbaceous x tree peony), that’s for sure. There are nowadays many of those and many are quite alike. If you’re looking for an ID, it’s unlikely that it is very new because new ones are very expensive and one usually doesn’t forget the things that you pay high prices for. So if it’s one of the earliest…Read More

      • Thank you for your reply, and I will try an internet search for Hillary. I purchased this three years ago, and this is the first time that it has had any blooms. The name tag on the plant was Sarah Bernhardt.

      • Surely not Sarah Bernhardt. You’re lucky, the seller has made an error to his detriment. Sarah Bernhardt is the most widely grown herbaceous peony, and also the cheapest one. All possible other peonies are more expensive. Intersectionals are far superior (better foliage, better stems) and more expensive.

    • I paid the great sum of .50p for it as it was at the back of all the others and looked so sorry for itself and asked for a reduction. Was told that they were going to through it away.


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