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    1 year, 7 months ago · updated 1 year, 6 months ago

    Image I saw on a page. I think experts can make a better species definition from the visual.

    • Difficult to say really. All we see are tomentose carpels, dark pink stigmas and a pink flower. You can exclude many peonies, it’s not a tree peony for example as there is no ‘sheath’ around the carpels. And the species with normally a different color or glabrous carpels can also be excluded, but several remain. Some possibilities: P. mascula ssp mascula, P. caucasica, P. daurica, P. officinalis, P. arietina. I think a see a somewhat reddish stem, so I’m inclined to say ‘P. caucasica’, but there isn’t enough information to be really sure. If it’s a sample from Turkey, it cannot be P. caucasica of course, that doesn’t grow there.

        • It could be, but without the leaflets it’s hard to say. If from Turkey it could be P. arietina, P. daurica or P. mascula ssp mascula. For P. arietina you would need hairs on the stems and leaf stalks and backside of the leaflets. The others will be without hairs on those places. P. daurica will have only 9 leaflets on the lowest leaf and should have somewhat wider and rounder leaflets. P. mascula has mostly 11 leaflets or more and will have lengthier leaflets which are less wide. They are also different in ploidy level, but that you cannot observe of course.

          • You are very knowledgeable. How did you get so much information? Congratulations. Thank you for this good information. If this information had been released as open source, perhaps much newer species could have emerged. I believe it is useful information.

            • Thank you for the compliment although I don’t consider myself an expert. If you go to ‘species’ in the menu above, you can read quite a bit about the peony species. It is true that most publications about peonies are not exactly open source. Some garden books are not too expensive, but the specialized botanical books or articles are usually way to expensive. It would be nice indeed if they were open access always, then you could simply collect those articles and place them on a site like this one grouped together for all to read. still has many articles online to read about peonies., not the latest ones perhaps, but Stern’s monograph on peonies is there, as is Kemularia-Nathadze and several of Hong De-Yuan. It’s worthwhile browsing if you want to learn a lot about them. For some of the more recent ones, the descriptions of the species by Hong are on this website under the just mentioned species in the menu. And I could give more information about recent publications if you could send me a private message (go to my profile and choose ‘message’ when logged in, or choose ‘add friend’ first as I don’t remember if I had set that as an extra barrier to stop spam)


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Veysel BAYAR


Coğrafyacı, Eğitmen, Kırsal Kalkınma Strateji Planlamacısı, Bitki araştırmacısı ve koleksiyoncusu


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